Mimosa Bay BOD would like to share playground update compiled by a community volunteer assisting with this project.

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Monday, August 10, 2020

​This afternoon I spoke with a board member regarding the playground equipment and where we are in terms of getting the equipment back up and running for our community. The board member reached out after I had volunteered my time and efforts to help get this playground system back up and running. There are a few challenges that stand in the way and I asked if I could write a letter to the community outlining those challenges to keep everyone as up to date as possible and to hopefully keep frustration levels lower.

As our community is aware the playground equipment that was initially installed was torn down and closed July 8th. The equipment was old, rotting, and had become too much of a danger for children to safely play. The board was starting the search of looking into companies and playground equipment to replace it on July 15th after being discussed at the monthly board meeting. Once the search started it quickly became clear that to purchase commercial grade playground equipment for our community would be more of a challenge than originally thought. The first challenge is the cost. Cost of commercial playground equipment is very steep and when looking through the options you are often left wondering how you can pay so much and get so little in equipment, so the most important point that needs to be made is that we will not have playground equipment equivalent to the structure we had. Our reserve budget called for the playground to be replaced in 2026 with a budgeted cost of around $30,000.

The next challenge that the board faces when looking into the equipment is what type of equipment to purchase. They are thinking about the average age of children that will be using it and will be tailoring the choices to the age group they believe will get the most use of the playground. Swings are not included in most structures, they are typically stand-alone structures for commercial grade equipment, so swings will need to be purchased separately.

The other challenge is space. Commercial grade equipment tends to be a little larger for the sort of playground items the board is looking at. The board will need to figure out if they will keep with the existing enclosure or take that down and/or expand it.

On July 21st, a company sent the HOA board an updated expected timeline. Our current HOA Board President had a walk through with a company called Carolina Streetscapes.  At that time the company promised they would get a work-quote to the board quickly. The board did receive a quote but not in a timely manner as promised and are now furthering their search base to find the best company and deal for the playground. The board did receive quotes from Carolina Streetscapes but they were delivered during the last monthly meeting on August 4th and the board was unable to review them in time to discuss them for that current meeting.

There currently is no date as to when we will have a new playground structure up or even what it will look like. The board is moving through this process as quickly as they can to get a structure back up that is safe, commercial grade, and will accommodate as many of our residents as possible. The playground equipment that will replace the old structure needs to be commercial grade to ensure longevity of life, safety, minimal repair costs over time, and for insurance liability reasons.

​If anyone has any knowledge of reputable companies that install playground equipment, please email that information to Any other questions can also be sent to the board at that email address.

Thank you,

Hannah Seligson

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