The Mimosa Bay BOD voted to approve organic storm debris pick up for the community. Organic storm debris must be gathered and left on the front easement of your property by Thursday, 6 August. Please note the following details for storm debris pick up:

  1. ONLY organic debris that resulted from Hurricane Isaias is to be left for pick up.
  2. There will only be one opportunity for pick up, so your storm debris must be on your front easement by Thursday, 6 August. If you miss the approved pickup, it will be your personal responsibility to remove the items from your property.
  3. If there is any non-organic items mixed in with your storm debris, it will not be picked up. This includes, but not limited to, treated wood, shingles, household trash and bulk items. Only organic debris will be picked up.

If you miss the scheduled community pick up or have items that are not organic storm debris, there is a Onslow County Convenience Site located at 320 Old Folkstone Rd, Sneads Ferry, NC. This site is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. There is a small fee and they take a multitude of items. Go to for more information.

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